Treatment for Anxiety

Mental Health Outpatient Treatment for Adults with Anxiety

According to the National Institute of Health:

  • 1 % of U.S. adults had anxiety disorder in the past year
  • 1% of U.S. adults experience an anxiety disorder at some time in their lives
  • 8% of adults with anxiety disorder had serious impairment
  • 7% of adults with anxiety disorder had moderate impairment

Anxiety is a natural reaction to an immediate or perceived threat or to stress. It often increases adrenaline and heart rate, and it activates the fight/flight/freeze response in the nervous system. While it is normal to feel these things in situations of immediate danger or even before taking a test or starting a new job, anxiety can become a debilitating disorder when it interferes with partaking in daily life and engaging in activities and relationships that used to bring joy and fulfillment. Anxiety can also affect cognitive and emotional states, which can lead to changes in behavior, particularly if the anxiety becomes chronic and untreated.

Emotional and cognitive symptoms of anxiety:

  • Being angry or irritable
  • Worrying about everyday decisions
  • Feelings of doom
  • Easily distracted
  • Trouble with information recall
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty with work or normal activities
  • Focusing on what could go wrong
  • Frequently avoiding certain places or things
  • Using substances to find calm

There are several different kinds of anxiety, each with its own unique risk factors and symptoms. The most common ones are:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): when common anxiety symptoms become persistent and interfere with relationships and daily life
  • Panic disorder: when someone experiences regular panic attacks (having a panic attack does not equate to panic disorder)
  • Social anxiety disorder: which is fear of embarrassment, negative judgment or rejection in social interactions, often leading to an inability to connect with others, form and maintain relationships or have a healthy social life

Anxiety can be treated through traditional talk therapy modalities, exposure therapy, medication, holistic approaches such as mindfulness, meditation and exercise, or a combination of treatments.

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