The 6 Most Important Ways to Help a Loved One Through Addiction & Mental Health Treatment
927 words|4.6 min read|All you want for your loved ones are happy, productive and satisfying lives. Your support matters greatly to all your family and friends, but what [...]
Gender-Specific Treatment for Substance Abuse
506 words|2.5 min read|Prior to the 1990s, most research on addiction focused only on male participants. This made it difficult to assess if there were differences in substance [...]
Teletherapy vs. In-Person Therapy: Advantages and Disadvantages
669 words|3.3 min read|Teletherapy refers to providing or participating in therapeutic services online. COVID-19 has been a catalyst for teletherapy, however, it’s been around for many years. In [...]
How to Get the Most Out of Your Teletherapy Session
565 words|2.8 min read|Many people may participate in telebehavioral health for the first time during COVID-19. While online counseling may be unfamiliar to you, with the right preparation, [...]
Should I Still Seek Addiction Treatment During COVID-19?
622 words|3.1 min read|Support and treatment services remain critical during COVID-19. Treatment providers are concerned that COVID-19 could be a catalyst for people with mental health disorders. In [...]
Harm Reduction vs. Abstinence in Substance Abuse Treatment
497 words|2.5 min read|When it comes to treatment for substance use disorders, there are two main schools of thought that treatment providers subscribe to, abstinence or harm reduction. [...]
Can CBD Help with Anxiety and Depression?
647 words|3.2 min read|CBD-based products have grown in popularity. While the FDA has only approved one CBD medication to treat epilepsy, many individuals claim it helps with sleep, [...]
Co-Occurring Disorders: Treating Mental Health and Addiction
478 words|2.4 min read|Tackling an addiction can be difficult enough, but often a struggle with substance use goes hand-in-hand with a mental health disorder. These two conditions occurring [...]
What Does a Mental Health Assessment Cover?
555 words|2.8 min read|Mental health disorders can be disruptive to one’s life and his or her loved ones, but the good news is they're often treatable. Treating behavioral [...]
Frequently Asked Drug, Alcohol, and Behavioral Health Assessment Questions
596 words|3 min read|At Pyramid Family Behavioral Healthcare Assessment Center, we get a lot of questions about how our assessment process works. We have included a list of [...]
How to Request a Mental Health Assessment
576 words|2.9 min read|When you think of mental health disorders, what comes to mind? If a slew of negative connotations and thoughts flooded your mind, that’s okay. As [...]
Why is Emotional Wellness Important for Mental Health and Addiction Recovery?
584 words|2.9 min read|Often when we think of substance use or mental health treatment, we may only think of treating the causes and symptoms associated with the illness. [...]
Why Therapists Need Therapy
373 words|1.9 min read|When I was in school to become a counselor, my professors and mentors stressed the importance of therapists being in therapy. After I graduated and [...]
FAQs About Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
618 words|3.1 min read|When you’re considering therapy as part of your recovery program, you may be at a complete loss of where to start. Or maybe you think [...]
Pyramid’s Client-Centered Treatment Approach
419 words|2.1 min read|Beginning the process of seeking help with drug and alcohol issues is many times an emotional strain and a scary ordeal for all of those [...]
Do I Need Group Therapy?
712 words|3.6 min read|What's the optimal group therapy setting? Learn how confidentiality, emotional safety, spontaneity and honesty reap positive benefits in group therapy.