Small Life Changes to Reduce Relapse and Withdrawal Symptoms

Published On: July 23, 2021|Categories: Recovery|

Addiction is difficult to deal with; it preys on the mind and rewires the brain in such a way that it can leave an individual feeling trapped, with no other options than addiction as a way of life. But in no way is this the end of the story. While it’s a monster at times, there are countless ways to combat addiction.

Seek medical help

First and foremost, if you are struggling with an addiction it’s important to seek the help of a trained therapist or counselor, or attend a treatment program. Not only will they be able to offer medical assistance, if need be, but they can give you the proper guidance and set you on the path towards recovery. 

Working with a professional also gives you a solid footing on which to begin trying other natural remedies for addiction. While you attend counseling sessions and undergo detox in a controlled, safe environment, you will learn the importance of incorporating some of these natural treatments to continue your journey after your time in addiction treatment. 


Exercising stimulates the body’s same pleasure and reward systems that are triggered by substance use. Exercising during treatment and addiction recovery is a highly effective way to begin retraining the body to produce and release these chemicals on its own. Plus, it’s been proven that exercise can help mitigate withdrawal symptoms, reduce cravings and encourage abstinence/discourage relapse in substance use.

Not only this but exercise, in general, tends to bring a greater awareness of one’s physical and mental health. By exercising frequently, you’re more likely to begin pursuing healthy living and turning away from those practices which negatively impact your health. 

Try meditation and yoga

Withdrawal symptoms and cravings are undoubtedly one of the worst parts of abstaining and recovering from addiction and substance abuse. Meditation and yoga are both characterized by breathing exercises, as well as the focus on being totally and completely present in the moment. Many recommend yoga and meditation exercises as a way to incorporate both exercise and mental self-care into your recovery journey. Meditation allows you to slow down and focus on your goals, successes and motivations, while yoga encourages a healthy body and relaxed state of mind.

See an acupuncturist

Acupuncture has been used as a treatment for withdrawal symptoms and cravings for many years as it claims to restore balance to the body through the insertion of needles. Research shows that acupuncture has helped in particular with opioid addiction as well as relieving some of the pain associated with withdrawal.

This is definitely a “do not attempt at home” situation, rather, take the time to schedule an appointment with a licensed acupuncture therapist. Additionally, if acupuncture is an uncomfortable thought, consider instead acupressure or a massage to help relax the muscles and ease tension in the mind and body.

Eat a nourishing diet

For many, being trapped in the bonds of addiction means forgoing one’s physical health and nutrition. Individuals suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction are frequently malnourished, leading to worse withdrawal symptoms and a likelihood of becoming extremely ill. 

One of the best ways to combat detoxing is to drink a ton of water. Keeping well hydrated helps to flush out all the toxins, plus it combats withdrawal symptoms like headaches and dehydration. 

Additionally, you’ll want to eat:

  • Fruits and vegetables, as their high fiber content is quickly digested into the body
  • Carbohydrates, too, are high in fiber, but they also provide the body with much-needed energy; be sure to choose whole grains instead of refined wheat
  • Low-fat proteins, like salmon and chicken
  • Cayenne pepper, which can help significantly reduce alcohol cravings and stimulate one’s appetite 

Incorporate vitamins and supplements

When your body is full of toxins from drugs and alcohol, it’s lacking essential vitamins and minerals. While it’s absolutely possible to receive most of these nutrients from food sources, it’s also helpful to supplement your diet with increased vitamins and minerals

Some of the most necessary ones include: 

  • Vitamin B – helps improve memory, brain function, sleep and digestion, as well as reduces anxiety
  • Amino acids – restore brain chemistry and lessen cravings 
  • Zinc – helps heal the brain, liver and immune system 
  • Omega-3’s – work to balance the mood, in addition to lessening depression, anxiety and inflammation

As always, be sure to double-check with your psychiatrist or doctor before incorporating any new supplements into your routine.

Combating addiction

Overcoming addiction and recovering with a decreased chance of relapse is more than possible with the right tools. When you take the time to attend treatment and/or meet regularly with a therapist, you will find not just support, but motivation and encouragement to continue the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, free from the hold of addiction. Plus, with remedies you can try at home following medical treatment, you’ll have many useful means of sticking to your recovery plan and lessening the struggles of withdrawal. 

For more information or to get in contact with someone regarding addiction recovery, contact Pyramid Healthcare today at 888-694-9996.

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