What Does a Mental Health Assessment Cover?

Published On: May 28, 2019|Categories: Educational, Mental Health Treatment|555 words|2.8 min read|
addiction medical professional

Mental health disorders can be disruptive to one’s life and his or her loved ones, but the good news is they’re often treatable. Treating behavioral disorders is a multi-step process that typically begins with a mental health assessment.

A mental health evaluation provides the mental health professional with a complete picture of a person’s emotional state. It also gives the provider a clear idea of how clear a person is able to think, reason, and function in his or her day-to-day life. If you or a loved one exhibits signs of a mental disorder, take the first step toward recovery. Schedule your psychological assessment today.

Signs of Behavioral Disorders

Behavioral disorders manifest differently in different individuals, which is why a behavioral health assessment is so important. However, convincing a person that he or she needs an assessment can be challenging; most people are unaware that an issue exists in the first place.

Loved ones can help by recognizing the signs of emotional disturbances and discussing the benefits of getting the help they need. Some signs that may indicate something is amiss are as follows:

  • Confusion
  • Extreme emotions
  • Excessive fears, worries or anxieties
  • Social withdrawal
  • Prolonged depression
  • Inability to cope with daily activities
  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Substance abuse
  • Defiance of authority (in teens)
  • Excessive fear of weight gain (in teens)
  • Frequent outbursts of anger (in teens)
  • Poor school performance (in children and teens)
  • Hyperactivity (in children)
  • Persistent nightmares (in children)
  • Persistent disobedience (in children)
  • Frequent temper tantrums (in children

If you notice one or more of the above signs in yourself or a loved one, it may be worth your while to schedule a mental health assessment.

The Assessment: What to Expect

Because an emotional health assessment is the first of several steps in the process to recovery, a licensed mental professional will attempt to be as thorough as possible with the evaluation. Typically, the evaluator will spend two hours with the client, during which time he or she will interview the client, interview the client’s family and support system, and collaborate with current treatment providers. The professional will also consult with other members of the clinical team with whom the client will also work.

Though every assessment begins with an interview, the health professional may decide that additional means of testing are in order. Some other types of tests the professional may use include the following:

  • Personality testing
  • Projective testing
  • Neuropsychological testing
  • Achievement and aptitude testing
  • Direct observation tests

It is not uncommon for mental health professionals to ask potential clients to keep a journal of their thoughts, emotions, and symptoms in the days leading up to the assessment. The professional may use this to gain a better understanding of the person’s state of mind, which is why it is essential individuals be honest and candid in their musings.

Setting Up Your Behavioral Health Assessment

It is never easy for one to admit he or she needs help. If you recognize signs of mental disturbances in yourself, or if you believe that a loved one lives with an undiagnosed mental condition, know that there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. By seeking out professional help, you can get on the road to recovery and to an all-around better life.

Take the first step toward recovery – schedule your mental health assessment today.

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